Anorectal disorders are very common now a days. In fact every individual would be facing some of these problems at one point of time for which he or she needs expert advice and minimum possible intervention with maximum result. Pratiksha Anorectal clinic is an endeavor to alleviate the suffering of patients from Anorectal disorders like piles, fistula, pilonidal sinuses, pruritus ani, peri anal abscess etc. We offer the best care for all benign anorectal diseases at an optimal cost with use of modern facilities and equipment like LASER, Minimally invasive Proctology (MIS Proctology), DGHAL,FGHAL, LHP. SiLaT,EPSiT etc .We are committed to deliver excellence in care with quickest possible recovery.
Anorectal clinic days : Monday to Saturday 10:30 am to 06:00 pm
Primary Consultant:

Dr. Anjanjyoti Sarma
MCh(Minimally Invasive & Robotic Surgery), MS - Surgical, MBBS
Clinic :
Room no 2 , Surgery Clinic
Ground floor , Main building , Pratiksha Hospital
VIP road, Barbari , Guwahati 781036
Scope of treatments
1.Haemorrhoids( Piles) :
Haemorrhoids or piles is/are swollen vein or group of veins in the region of the anus.
Treated with:
b.Rubber band ligation (RBL)
c.LASER surgery (LHP)
d.Minimally invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoids( MIPH)
e.Finger Guided Haemorroidal Artery Ligation ( FGHAL)
f.Classical Haemorroidectomy .
2. Fistula in Ano:
It is a small tunnel that connects an infected gland inside the anus
to an opening on the skin around the anus. Symptoms include pain and swelling around the anus.
Treated with
c.FiLAC( LASER surgery )
d.Ligation of Intersphinteric Fistula Tract ( LIFT)
e.Sum mucosal ligation of Fistulous Tract ( SLOFT)
3. Fissure in Ano :
An anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa) that lines the anus. An anal fissure may occur when you pass hard or large stools during a bowel movement. Anal fissures typically cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements.
Treated with :
a.Lateral Internal Sphinterotomy(LIS)
b.Fisserectomy by LASER
c.LASER surgery
4. Pilonidal cyst:
A pilonidal cyst is an abnormal pocket in the skin that usually contains hair and skin debris. A pilonidal cyst is almost always located near the tailbone at the top of the cleft of the buttocks.
It is treated with :
a.Rhomboid Excision with Limberg Flap
b.Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment(EPSiT)
c.Sinus Laser Therapy( SiLaT)
5. Prurutis Ani ( Itching around the anus ) :
Pruritus Ani, commonly known as anal itching, is quite a common condition. The itching sensation is felt in or around the anus and is often acute in nature and the patient feels a strong urge to scratch the anal region. For this reason, Pruritus Ani can be an uncomfortable and an embarrassing situation.
Treated with : Methylene blue injections.